A new study in published in the journal of personality and social psychology shows that couples who do this have more sexual desire, more sex, more passion for each other, and a happier relationship.

And to top things things off, this requires no doctor, therapy and does not even have to cost any money. So What is this magical exlixer?

Well, it is not a drug – it’s an experience. The scientists conclude that “Enaging in novel activities” does this. What does Novel activities mean? They define it to mean self-expanding activities that allows a person to have new experiences, gain new perspectives, or learn a new skill.

So this could be something like you and your partner learn to dance, or travel to a country you have never been to before, or learn to play the guitar. Now, these activities have to be experienced together as a couple, not individually. But it turns out that couples who do this feel greater sexual desire for each other and have more sex.

Why do novel activities result in this? The researchers theorize that it could be because couples experience greater intimacy while participating in these activities, and it could also be because partners are seeing a side of their partner during these activities that they may not have seen before, allowing them to learn more about their partner and form greater intimacy.

It seems people get excited when seeing their partners learn, change and grow. Who knew?

So what are you planning to do with your partner next weekend? You have to do something, if you want something!



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