Arvin’s Bio

At the risk of coming across as an erudite, my educational background is rather eclectic, as I hope my videos are. I have 3 degrees. A Bachelors in Chemical Engineering, a Masters In Mechanical engineering, and an MBA. In addition, I attended 2 years of medical school. I taught intermediate physics, advanced physics, and robotics as a grad student in college. I have also lectured classes on mechanical engineering. I have a Professional Engineering license and have passed the CFP exam. I am a lifelong learner, as I hope you are. I was in school forever, and wish I stayed longer.

I am not a one man show. I have physicists on my team who help with the research as well as make sure the information I present is accurate. When we produce videos outside my or my team’s expertise, we consult appropriate experts to make sure our information is as accurate as possible. In addition we have animators, video editors, and a sound engineer on our staff. I hope their efforts are reflected in the quality of our videos. Thank you for your patronage.

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