What is inside a Black Hole? They are one of the most mysterious things in space. Theorized from Einstein’s theory of general relativity, they were thought not to...
Author - ArvinAsh
We normally don’t think twice about the world that we live in. It simply exists, and we believe our perception of it represents the true nature of reality. Our...
Apollo 11 Moon Landing. Two potential disasters that could have changed history. If you were around in 1959, and told your friends that 10 years from now, we will be...
How does a hydrogen bomb work? Mankind had never seen anything like it. When it was unleashed on people in an effort to stop a war, all people saw was a blinding light...
What quantum Immortality means for you and your loved ones. Do you remember a time when you had a close call, a brush with death? You look back at it and think that an...
Where did the water on earth come from It is the reason we are here. It is the one substance without which no life on earth would exist. We couldn’t survive more than 3...
Parallel Universes Imagine a universe where you are as rich as Bill Gates, where you are married to a beautiful woman or man like Kate Upton or Brad Pitt, and you are as...
Your world is a lie. Why we are almost certainly Living in a simulation. One of my favorite movies is the Matrix. The hero of the movie, a computer programmer by the...
Artificial Intelligence or AI, it is said by many, will be man’s last invention. Why? Because AI is more than just hardware and software, AI will allow machines to learn...
Are we alone in the Universe?Do Aliens exist? And Where are they? Fermi Paradox and the Drake Equation
Do Aliens exist? And Where are they? Fermi Paradox: #arealiensreal #doaliensexist When you look up into the night sky, do you ever think about what else is out there? Do...