The universe seems to be quantum not classical. But General Relativity is classical. When we try to use Einstein’s theory to make a quantum model of gravity, we...
Author - ArvinAsh
It is thought that a person working at an Iranian nuclear facility inserted a malware-infected USB drive into a computer. This malware is called Stuxnet and was...
Why does changing just one proton in the nucleus of an atom make a different element? How can a single proton make such a huge difference in an element’s properties? The...
What came before the Big Bang? what happened before the big bang? Since time is thought to have started at the big bang, asking what happened “before” is...
How is mass and energy the same thing? What is mass really? If you weigh 80kg and are in a car moving 100km/hr, your energy is equal to about 30000 joules. But did you...
How is string theory related to quantum field theory? Quantum field theory (QFT) is a mathematical framework that is close to a theory of everything. It describes nearly...
There is a technology which could eliminate concerns about nuclear waste and disasters obsolete and allow us to have nearly unlimited energy, molten salt nuclear power...
The earth has an axial tilt of about 23.5 degrees. While this tilt is responsible for shaping our planet’s climate and seasons, it also played a crucial role in...
Most black holes are formed when a massive star at least 30 times the mass of our sun runs out of fuel. It then collapses uncontrolled against all other forces of nature...
In 2012, the Higgs boson (the God Particle) was discovered. It’s responsible for giving mass to fundamental particles. But the scientists never measured the...