This is a deep dive into the cost of the current healthcare system in the United States, and what the costs would be for switching to a single payer system. We look at...
Author - ArvinAsh
You may be toxic to people around you and not even know it. If you find yourself being left out in conversations, or people stop talking after you enter a room, or...
You probably think of your toaster, refrigerator, washing machine, and lamp as mere dumb devices with an on off switch. But imagine if these devices had a brain. What if...
Here’s a question for you: What is by far the largest organ in the body…almost 20 square feet in area, and without it, you would die a painful death? It’s your skin...
A study published this year by the Brain and Mind institute Western University in Canada tracked a massive number of people – over 40,000 to track their sleep over a...
All this, everything you see around you, started in a big bang, from a point smaller than the point at the end of this sentence. It as an infinitesimally small point...
A new study in published in the journal of personality and social psychology shows that couples who do this have more sexual desire, more sex, more passion for each...
Why existence? Why is there something rather than nothing? Why are we even here at all.We know a lot about the “how” and the “What” of our existence, but we don’t know...
The Real Butterfly Effect — Imagine this scenario, a butterfly flutters its wings in Brazil, and it sets off a cascade of events over the course of time, which...
Study Raw Data: ; TED talk: ; Script: Shortly after World War II, an ambitious British Study on children and their parents was initiated. It followed 14,000 children and...