In Ancient Egypt, the sun was worshipped as a god – Ra, the ruler of the skies, and earth, and bringer of light and life. Similarly, in ancient North America, almost...
Author - ArvinAsh
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Why does the universe have an upper speed limit on the speed of light? Why isn’t the top limit infinite? Or what if the speed of light was not constant but changed in...
0:00 – Mote of dust 1:49 – How did life begin? 5:01 – How humans evolved 7:22 – Multiverse? 8:29 – Are we alone in the universe? 10:47...
Get MagellanTV here: and get an exclusive offer for our viewers: an extended, month-long trial, FREE. MagellanTV has the largest and best collection of Science content...
0:00 – What is a TOE? 2:01 – Why is the sky blue, why, why? 5:17 – Chart of unifications 8:20 – Beyond the TOE Is a theory of everything really...
In the Copenhagen interpretation, which is what is typically taught to undergraduate students, particles are in superposition. What is superposition? In quantum...
Try Blinkist free for 7 days: Physicists know how to use the equations of quantum mechanics to predict things, but don’t really understand what is fundamentally...
Become a Patron: What is this mysterious quantum tunneling effect, where does it come from? And why is it one of the most important phenomena in physics? Quantum...