0:00 video start 3:10 Hard math 7:14 Visual explanation 8:26 Feynman Diagrams Further reading: David Griffiths – Introduction to Elementary...
Category - Science
The gauge bosons of the standard model of particle physics are responsible for 3 of the 4 known forces in the universe. A force is conferred is...
In 1687, Isaac Newton changed the way we humans view the cosmos by connecting a force we experience on earth, with the force that controls the...
How many times have you heard someone describe a difficult concept as “it’s not rocket science” – meaning it’s not as difficult to understand as...
Electroweak theory How the Weak Force and Electromagnetism unite: Electroweak theory How two fundamental forces unite: Electromagnetism & the...
The science of Nikola Tesla! How Electricity works: AC vs DC Genius of Nikola Tesla: What is electricity? How does it work? AC vs DC Imagine a world...