A quantum wormhole was created by a team of physicists led by Maria Spiropulu of CalTech. But this was not a wormhole in spacetime, but a quantum holographic wormhole...
Playlist - Space Science
Are black holes the source of dark energy? A new study by Farrah et al, published in February of 2023 claimed to have found a solution to dark energy, showing a...
The law of energy conservation may be the most fundamental law in physics. It says that overall energy is always conserved. It can never be created nor destroyed –...
What is Spacetime? Are space and time the same thing? Space was thought to be nothing, an empty void with no matter in it. In 1908, Hermann Minkowski postulated that...
Stars represent a celestial battle of two opposing forces, gravity trying to collapse the star, and radiation pressure trying to explode the star. But it comes to an end...
Most black holes are formed when a massive star at least 30 times the mass of our sun runs out of fuel. It then collapses uncontrolled against all other forces of nature...
The earth has an axial tilt of about 23.5 degrees. While this tilt is responsible for shaping our planet’s climate and seasons, it also played a crucial role in...