The 5 Biggest Reasons You Are Unhappy?
5). You are focused on the future and the past, rather than the present.
In your daily thoughts, are you dwelling on past failures, or how things could have been.
you could have been somebody,
you could have gotten that girl or guy. Unrequieted love
You are thinking if I could only re-do that part of my life, how different it would be.
If you are honest with yourself, you will realize that you would have made the exact same decision back then with the information that you had at the time.
So stop kicking yourself.
That different decision would not have made any difference overall anyway. It would have just given you a different set of problems.
There are no fatal mistakes. You are still here. You have the rest of your life to make it the best life it can be.
And if you are like most people not focused on the past, you are focused on the future. more than the present?
Stop it. Bring your mind back here.
Spend more time with your loved ones.
This is the biggest regret people on their deathbed.
No one says, I should have focused more on my job, on my career.
They all say, I should have started this, pursued my passion. I wish I spent more time with this person or that person.
Invest your time and money in your experiences – time with people you enjoy being with. Go on that vacation with your family. These are the memories that will last a lifetime.
4) You are judging others rather than learning from them.
Think about it when you judge others too quickly – think, hmm, this person is really irritating, but are they making a valid point.
Is there something admirable about them? What can I learn from them?
If you are zoned out looking at your CNN app, you are probably getting angry about something because you are judging.
If you are always on your Facebook app, you may be doing the same. Always look at an interaction with another person as a huge opportunity to learn something from them, even if you don’t like them.
3) You are not taking care of yourself – mental or physical.
you can’t pour milk from an empty cup – take care of yourself first.
There is a reason the airlines tell you to put on your oxygen masks first before you help your children.
You are no good to your child if you faint from lack of oxygen. Breathe, do yoga, go for a walk, see a psychologist – make the investment in yourself.
It will pay huge dividends. And get some sleep for heaven’s sake.
One of the best pieces of advice my friend gave me when I was at a low moment in my life was to exercise – go for a walk, be in nature. When your body is moving, you are learning, you are moving forward.
2) You are focused on getting things for yourself, rather than giving to others.
True happiness comes from giving to others. When you do that, a direct path to you opens up, and the universe showers you with abundance.
This is the secret to being a great networker, just focus on how you can help the person you are talking to.
Do not worry at all about how they may help you.
When you are focused on helping others, people want to be your friend, they sense genuineness, and they will in turn do anything to help you.
Before I disclose #1 – if you like this video, please subscribe and press the bell icon, so you can be the first to see it, comment on it, and send me your feedback.
Now for #1
1) You are worried about things that won’t really make a difference.
Think about the biggest thing you are worried about right now.
Now take that worry to the worst case scenario.
If that worst scenario happens, what would you do? How would you feel? How should you prepare for that now?
Now, in all likelihood, the worst case will not happen, but if you are prepared mentally for the worst, you will no longer worry.
Remember the saying – don’t sweat the small stuff. And it’s all small stuff.
There are no fatal mistakes. You are still here. You have the rest of your life to make it the best life it can be.
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