How to be smarter than a smart person

Do you sometimes wish that you were smarter than you are right now?

And that if you were, you would be more successful in life.

In the next 3 minutes, I am going to show you 3 huge disadvantages that highly intelligent peoplehave, and how, by knowing these handicaps, you can be smarter than them.

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First let me shatter this myth you have told yourself:

Most highly successful people do not have an IQ that is any higher than yours.

The latest research shows there is no correlation between IQ and net worth.

The world is full of brilliant, highly intelligent people that are not necessarily happy, nor accomplished, nor financially successful.

In fact, being extremely intellectually gifted can actually hamper your success.

And here’s why – it comes with baggage – 3 big bags.

The first bag: Smart people can become lazy – why? Because they are used to not having to try very hard in school to get good grades.

They are used to understanding things very quickly, or learning a new skill without really having to sweat or toil.

They can become used to not failing much.

But Success is most often about perseverance in the face of failure, after failure, after failure.

This is the way most self-made rich people have gotten rich – by dogged determination and learning from multiple failures.

This is a learned skill, that smart people just don’t have much practice in.

Learn to try new things. Learn to fail. You will succeed as a result.

Bag # 2: Smart peoplealso do not socialize as much. They tend to be Introverted.

The latest research shows that smart people have fewer friends.

But Success is mostly about collaborating with other people that have talent in areas other than yours, or ideas you may not be thinking of.

If you think about how some people are lucky. There really is no such thing.

It’s about Being in the right place at the right time — which requires socializing, and networking, and being more outgoing.

Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, force yourself to network and socialize more. This will make you “luckier.”

Smart people tend to think that the opportunities and ideas are in their head.

There may be some, but most of the great opportunities are out there with other people.

Learn from others, collaborate. Two people can make one person’s good idea into a great idea.

If you don’t know how to socialize, I have a suggestion for you – read the book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People.”

It was originally written in 1934 by Dale Carnegie.

It is still the best book ever written about networking, human behavior, and friendships. This book can change your life.

Before I reveal the 3rd biggest bag that high IQ people, be sure to subscribe, so you can be the first to see our next video, which will solve the mystery of crop circles.

You won’t want to miss it.

So here’s the 3rd bag: smart people think more, and do less.

They tend to overanalyze things.

They kill a great idea before they even get started.

Or they try to make a plan too perfect without really getting some real-world feedback.

An analytical mind can be good, but it can also prevent you from taking any action.

Paralysis by analysis.

So when it comes to trying new things, or looking at new business opportunities, the high IQ person is very good at poking holes, and finding all the ways you can fail.

This is only good only to an extent – because you never really know whether something will work until you try it – no matter how it looks on paper.

Do you think Jeff Bezos would have started Amazon if he knew all the problems he was going to have, or thought about all the ways Borders Books or Walmart was going to eat his lunch?

It is good to temper your smarts with a healthy dose of ignorance when it comes to new opportunities.

Try it out. Don’t over analyze.

Just do.

Being smart is not about intellectual capacity. Very few people win the genetic lottery of high IQ.

It’s about figuring out what really matters – it’s all about getting smart with what you have.

And contrary to what you may have been told from your early childhood – you have every capacity to be smart in life.

And Of course, continue to watch this channel. You will be smarter as a result, and if nothing else you will at least sound smart.

All the best my friends.


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